March 1, 2021
According to research, physiological stress resulting from weight loss surgery and rapid weight loss can cause the human body to shift nutrients towards important organs such as the brain and heart and away from cosmetic functions such as hair growth. As a result, people who have gone through bariatric surgery may experience a temporary hair loss phase for at least three-five months post-op. Once the body starts adjusting to the changes, hair loss will decrease and then stop eventually. Continuing on the topic, in this blog post, we discuss four tips to prevent hair loss after robotic bariatric surgery. Read on!
1. Do Not Skip on Protein
Weight loss doctors emphasize the need for protein from the initial appointment throughout the duration of the weight loss procedure due to multiple reasons. Firstly, protein is the building block of all cells and failing to consume the required amount i.e 60g/day could leave you with unhealthy and thinning hair, as well as less satiety. People undergoing robotic weight loss surgery must include lean protein foods such as skinless chicken, grilled/baked fish, lean red meat, low-fat string cheese, cottage cheese, beans, Greek yogurt, protein bars, flax, and chia seeds in every meal.
2. Take Vitamins Regularly
People who have undergone weight loss surgery must take regular vitamins to avoid nutrient deficiencies. You must take B-vitamins regularly to keep your hair full and healthy. Some weight loss doctors recommend taking chewable bariatric multiple vitamins two weeks before the surgery to avoid hair fall and fatigue associated with a low nutrient status due to strict and restricted diet post-surgery. Before taking any vitamins, you must consult your weight loss doctor for guidance about the right quantity of each vitamin and mineral supplement that you should take.
3. Include Enough Iron in Diet
Iron is one of the micronutrients most commonly related to hair health. Ferritin levels are indicative of iron storage in the human body and low levels are associated with hair loss. After robotic weight loss surgery, you must ask your weight loss doctor to check your ferritin levels and prescribe a few supplements if the levels are low. Symptoms of iron anemia include pale skin, fatigue, weakness, and inability to regulate body temperature. If you experience all these symptoms, you must include iron rich food such as red meat, dark leafy greens, egg yolks, beans/peas/legumes, and iron-enriched cereals in your diet. You should also include a vitamin C rich food with high-iron food to help iron absorb better in the body.
4. Consider Including Zinc
If you’ve tried all the above tips and cannot see any significant decrease in hair loss, consider adding additional zinc to your diet. Zinc is an important element that can promote the growth and development of healthy hair. Before adding any zinc source, make sure you speak with your weight loss specialist who can tell you how much you must consume. You can include oysters, red meat, and poultry in the diet to introduce zinc and other nutrients such as vitamin A, folate, and B-6 that are essential for hair growth.
Wrap Up
Robotic bariatric surgery is one of the most effective ways to lose excess weight. It not only helps in maintaining a healthy body but also prevents and helps manage many weight-related diseases such as type-2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, and heart related issues. With significant fat loss in the span of 18-22months, the body loses all the nutrients and minerals, resulting in heavy hair loss. For this reason, weight loss doctors recommend oral mineral and vitamin supplements to help the body retain enough nutrition required for healthy hair. To know more about nutrition and diet after robotic bariatric surgery, talk to the DFW Bariatrics and General Surgery in Dallas. Call 469-620-0222 or email [email protected].