September 6, 2018
The Obalon balloon weight loss procedure involves implanting 3 air-filled balloons over a duration of 1 to 3 months, which occupy a significant part of the patient’s stomach, leaving less space for food intake. The non-invasive procedure is widely prescribed to patients who are unable to achieve their ideal weight even after following strict diet and exercise routines. The procedure is also recommended to patients who do not qualify or want to go for invasive bariatric procedures. If you too have been trying to get in shape, but without much success, the weight loss experts at DFW Bariatrics and General Surgery can help. Continuing the discussion, in this blog, we provide an overview of the Obalon balloon weight loss procedure. Read on.
What is an Obalon Balloon?
The Obalon balloon is an inflatable medical device that is swallowed in the office in a 15 minute procedure. The balloon is stored in a capsule that is about the size of a large vitamin. Obalon balloons are implanted to limit the capacity of the patient’s stomach, which limits their food intake helps them achieve their weight loss goals. Additionally, the balloons float on liquid to the top of the stop tricking the brain into feeling less hungry.
How It Works
One placement of the Obalon balloon lasts about 15 minutes. The patient is asked to swallow a capsule that contains a deflated balloon attached to a tiny tube. The doctor takes an X-ray to confirm the balloon is successfully implanted and uses a tube to inflate the balloon with either air. This is repeated at a minimum of two week intervals until 3 balloons are in place. After 6 months from the first balloon, an endoscope is used to remove the obalon balloon and check for any complications.
Patient’s who wish to undergo an obalon weight loss procedure need to meet an eligibility criteria. Patient’s should:
- Have a BMI between 30-40
- Not have undergone any other weight loss procedure in the past
- Not have bulimia, compulsive eating disorder, binge eating disorder, or any other eating disorders
- Not have a history of irritable bowel movement
Like any medical procedure, an Obalon weight loss procedure involves a few risks, such as:
- Indigestion
- Heartburn
- Perforation
- Gastric Discomfort
- Nausea/Vomiting
- Back Pain
- Gastroesophageal reflux
The Benefits
Unlike other weight-loss procedures, Obalon balloon is non-invasive, which reduces the risks involved. In addition, the Obalon weight loss procedure costs less compared to gastric bypass or other bariatric surgical procedures. Moreover, Obalon balloon is recommended by doctors as the procedure average up to 20-30 pounds weight-loss.
Wrap Up
Before weight your options about weight loss procedures, it is important to seek professional help. Whether you choose to go for Obalon or Orbera balloon surgery, we at DFW Bariatrics and General Surgery have a team of experts who specialize in performing minimally invasive weight loss procedures of all types, including obalon. To learn more about your surgical and non-surgical weight loss treatment options, simply call +1-469-620-0222 or fill out our contact form and we will get back with you, shortly. To schedule an appointment with one of our consultants, click here.